Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday Living

I've finally seen Pineapple Express this week. I enjoyed it. I'd say more so than Tropic Thunder. Which is a completely different movie, I know. Pine Express was defiantly more brutal and gruesome then I imagined it would be. Which was an interesting twist to the comedy. Overall, if you want to see it I'd say see it. But if you're not in a rush it's a worthy rental for sure. I'm going to have to say my favorite comedy of the summer was Step Brothers by far. It made me laugh way harder then both Pine and Tropic put together.

I also caught a movie called Matchpoint last night. It was pretty good. I generally enjoy Woody Allen movies. I guess it's no surprise that I liked this movie. It just goes to show guys suck. That dude was one lucky guy.

We're throwing a party in a couple weeks too and here's the flyer I made for it.

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