Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thirty Thursday


The cute Starbucks girl was working this morning. It's about the closet thing I have to a perfect send off. What's the perfect send off? The perfect send off in the morning would involve a smooch goodbye. But, I'll take the next best thing, a mocha. Even though I paid for it. It's a wonderful service. It fills the void that happens to be vacant for now.

I keep spilling on myself today... I'm a freaking slop. Maybe I'm just lazy, I am slothful after all. Happens I guess.

Last night was boring. I did my shopping. I've got the foods for my outing this weekend. Tonight I'll be packing the sh*t up. I read some articles in a couple Rolling Stones I've had staked up. Nothing too interesting. One article was about Skatopia. It's an 80 acre skate park in Ohio that promotes anarchy and craziness for free supposedly. I just wonder about their insurance costs...

I started to re-watch King Ralph as well last night... I got to the part where the girl was given money to sabotage Ralph. Then I passed out... It was about 9:45... Lame I know. But that's how I roll, on the lamer side of life. I more comfortable there.


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