Saturday, August 9, 2008


So I survived my 11 hour "class" today. I have a headache now. Talk about information overload. There were alot of minors in my class too. Couldn't really google the young ladies cause you didn't know if there were old enough even... Weird. They also made us watch two movies. The first one wasn't too bad. Just about a group of people doing a drinking experiment. Where they were monitored while they drank all night and even monitored while they slept. A gal in the movie puked... That was probably the only memorable moment of that movie. The second movie scared the idea of having kids out of my mind. It was called Smashed. Produced by HBO even. It was geared more towards teenagers cause it only involved teenagers. But it still got the message across. This movie was the graphic one where they showed the bloods and brains and wounds. Not to mention drilling into skulls. It was pretty crazy stuff. It scared me because teenagers are dumb and do stupid stuff. I don't know if I could be put into that situation of having to worry about my son or daughter being severely hurt to the point they almost die. Just to have them go back to drinking after they survived the horrific accident they were in. Ah stupid kids. I guess in a sense I'm still just a stupid kid.... Just with little more independence & responsibilities. MADD brought in a couple people to use scare tactics on us by telling us their very horrifying life altering experiences. It worked mind you.

There was also a young gal in my class with the last name of Puckett. I sort of wondered if she was any relation to Kirby Puckett.

Well time to head off to a BBQ - where I won't be drinking, even though I am thirsty after a day like today. Just doesn't seem right.

Hope you're all having a safe and pleasent weekend.


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