Monday, July 28, 2008

Nice weekend

I had a nice relaxing weekend. Friday night Billy's Mom was in town. So Friday night was spent watching Billy make sea food for everyone including his GF Crystal Rose, Wade, and myself. It was very scrumptious. As always it was fun watching Wade have a weird reaction to sea food. We laughed and drank and listened to music. Couldn't ask for a better Friday night. I think I had a few to many beers as I was a little hung over the next morning. Nothing a couple pills and a shower couldn't handle. Saturday I cruised the cities listening to music. It was nice to go for a ride. I saw parts of the city I hadn't seen for awhile. Looking at people go about there Saturday routines is sort of relaxing for me. Saturday night I grilled a T-bone steak and potato and had a couple beers and watched a couple movies from my "Need to Watch Pile". A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, Grand Theft Parsons, and Saving Private Ryan were the movies I watched Saturday night. Sunday I made myself a big breakfast as usual and washed clothes as I continued to shrink my Need to Watch Pile. Wrapped up Private Ryan, Encino Man, The Brave One, War of The Worlds, and Fight Club. I made Tacos and went to bed. Still in my pile of Need to Watch Movies - Adams Family 1 & 2, King Ralph, Driving Miss Daisy, Wonder Boys, Match Point, Serpico, Dan In Real Life.

So there's your typical Zach Weekend. Hang out, drink beer, hang out, cruise, watch a shit ton of movies, hang out, eat breakfast, and sleep. Now you know how to have a Zach Weekend if you ever want one. I'm always accepting company too, consider it.


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