Thursday, December 4, 2008

Safari 3.2.1

The new update for Safari (web browser) has seriously been pissing me off. I loved the browser because it hardly ever crashed on me. Since Apple released this new update it's been crashing on me after a couple minutes of use. What a bummer, anyone else having this problem? Guess Mozilla will have to suffice for now until things hopefully improve on the Safari front.

The new DC-In board has been kicking ass. The G4 can finally recharge it's battery.
Let me holler at ya for a second. Holla! Holla! Holla! Holla!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Touching Logic Boards

The G4 is back up and running. It's finally getting the power it needs
to operate. It took a couple hours to tear it apart and reasemble.
Here's a picture of me getting familiar with the guts of the beast.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Living In The Fast Lane

Whelp, I ordered a new part for my Powerbook this morning which means I should have it sometime Wednesday from the snail mail. Then I'm facing a couple hours of work dismantling my computer yet again. Hopefully, the surgery goes well. *Crossing Fingers*

Side Note: I had these little babies made up for my nieces for Christmas. With some sweatshop work from my Mom and conceptional ideas from yours truly these fine creatures were made. I believe they turned out nicely. ::Prototypes::